
TUCCA has published 44 peer-reviewed papers about cultivated meat, cellular agriculture, and alternative proteins. If you are having trouble accessing the full text of a paper, please reach out.
Letcher, S. et al. Establishment & Characterization of a Non-Adherent Insect Cell Line for Cultivated Meat. Scientific Reports (2025).
Dolgin, J. et al. Microbiral lysates as low-cost serum replacements in cellular agriculture media formulation. Food Research International (2025).
Li, X. et al. Fiber-based Biomaterial Scaffolds for Cell Support towards the Production of Cultivated Meat. Acta Biomaterialia (2024).
Riquelme-Guzmán, C. et al. Unlocking the potential of cultivated meat through cell line engineering. iScience (2024).
Gerber, S. et al. Peanut hulls, an underutilized nutritious culinary ingredient: valorizing food waste for global food, health, and farm economies—a narrative review. Frontiers in Nutrition (2024).
Tuse, D. et al. A review and outlook on expression of animal proteins in plants. Frontiers in Plant Science (2024).
Guessous, G. et al. Disentangling the Web: An Interdisciplinary Review on the Potential and Feasibility of Spider Silk Bioproduction. ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering (2024).
Goswami, M. et al. Cell-cultivated aquatic food products: emerging production systems for seafood. Journal of Biological Engineering (2024).
Mazzaferro, L. et. al. Fouling resistance of novel amphiphilic polyampholyte membranes with varying hydrophobivity towards common foulants and cell culture media. Separation and Purification Technology (2024).
Nikkhah, A. et. al. Life cycle assessment of Beefy-9 and Beefy-R serum-free culture media for cell-cultivated beef production. Sustainable Production and Consumption (2024).
Lew, E. et. al. Chemical and sensory analyses of cultivated pork fat tissue as a flavor enhancer for meat alternatives. Scientific Reports (2024).
Joyce, C. et al. Methods to screen the adhesion of fish cells on plant-, algal- and fungal-derived biomaterials. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces (2024). https://doi.org/10.1021/acsami.4c06543
Giglio, F. et al. A Glance into the Near Future: Cultivated Meat from Mammalian and Insect Cells. Small Science (2024).
Lim, T. et al. Development of serum-reduced medium for mackerel muscle cell line cultivation. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering (2024). https://doi.org/10.1021/acssuschemeng.4c03345
Ovissipour, R. et al. Cell-based fish production case study for developing a food safety plan. Heliyon (2024).
Gerber, S. et al. Marketing plant-based versus animal-sourced foods in online grocery stores: A comparative content analysis of sustainability and other product claims in the United States. Business Strategy and the Environment (2024).
Banavar, A. et al. Decellularized banana leaves: eco-friendly scaffolds for cell-based seafood. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems (2024). https://doi.org/10.3389/fsufs.2024.1341151
Stout, A. et al. Engineered autocrine signaling eliminates muscle cell FGF2 requirements for cultured meat production. Cell Reports Sustainability (2024). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.crsus.2023.100009
Yao, Y. et al. Cultivated Meat from Aligned Muscle Layers and Adipose Layers Formed from Glutenin Films. ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering (2024).
Yuen, J. et al. Optimization of Culture Media and Cell Ratios for 3D In Vitro Skeletal Muscle Tissues with Endothelial Cells. ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering (2023).
Sharma, A. et al. Multiplexed Sensing Probe for Bioreactors for Cellular Agriculture. IEEE Sensors Letters (2023).
Trinidad, K. et al. Environmental life cycle assessment of recombinant growth factor production for cultivated meat applications. Journal of Cleaner Production (2023).
Nikkhah, A. et al. Using artificial intelligence to optimize reduced-serum formulations for cultivated meat. Science of the Total Environment (2023).
Stout, A. et al. Immortalized Bovine Satellite Cells for Cultured Meat Applications. ACS Synthetic Biology (2023).
John, Y. et al. Aggregating in vitro-grown adipocytes to produce macroscale cell-cultured fat tissue with tunable lipid compositions for food applications. eLife (2023).
Saad, M. et al. Continuous fish muscle cell line with capacity for myogenic and adipogenic-like phenotypes. Scientific Reports (2023).
Stout, A. et al. A Beefy-R culture medium: replacing albumin with rapeseed protein isolates. Biomaterials (2023).
Xiang, N. et al. Edible films for cultivated meat production. Biomaterials (2022).
Xiang, N. et al. 3D porous scaffolds from wheat glutenin for cultured meat applications. Biomaterials (2022).
Stout, A. et al. Cultured meat: Creative solutions for a cell biological problem. Trends in Cell Biology (2022).
Stout, A. et al. Simple and effective serum-free medium for sustained expansion of bovine satellite cells for cell cultured meat. Communications Biology (2022).
Letcher, S. et al. In vitro Insect Fat Cultivation for Cellular Agriculture Applications. ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering (2022).
Yuen, J. et al. Perspectives on Scaling Production of Adipose Tissue for Food Applications. Biomaterials (2021).
Stout, A. et al. Simple and Effective Serum-Free Medium for Sustained Expansion of Bovine Satellite Cells for Cell Cultured Meat. bioRxiv (2021). https://dx.doi.org/10.1101/2021.05.28.446057.
Fish, K. et al. Prospects and Challenges for Cell-Cultured Fat as a Novel Food Ingredient. Trends in Food Science & Technology (2020). https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tifs.2020.02.005.
Post, M. et al. Scientific, Sustainability and Regulatory Challenges of Cultured Meat. Nature Food (2020)
Stout, A. et al. Engineering Carotenoid Production in Mammalian Cells for Nutritionally Enhanced Cell-Cultured Foods. Metabolic Engineering (2020). https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ymben.2020.07.011.
Rubio, N. et al. Plant-Based and Cell-Based Approaches to Meat Production. Nature communications (2020).
Rubio, N. et al. Biofabrication with Insect Cells.Trends in Entomology (2020)
Rubio, N. et al. Cell-Based Fish: A Novel Approach to Seafood Production and an Opportunity for Cellular Agriculture. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems (2019).
Rubio, N. et al. Possibilities for Engineered Insect Tissue as a Food Source. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems (2019). https://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fsufs.2019.00024.
Rubio, N. et al. In Vitro Insect Muscle for Tissue Engineering Applications. ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering (2019). https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acsbiomaterials.8b01261.
Simsa, R. et al. Extracellular Heme Proteins Influence Bovine Myosatellite Cell Proliferation and the Color of Cell-Based Meat. Foods (2019). https://dx.doi.org/10.3390/foods8100521.
Baryshyan, A. Self-Assembled Insect Muscle Bioactuators with Long Term Function under a Range of Environmental Conditions. RSC Advances (2014). https://dx.doi.org/10.1039/C4RA08438A.
Baryshyan, A. Isolation and Maintenance-Free Culture of Contractile Myotubes from Manduca Sexta Embryos. PloS one (2012). https://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0031598.